Pour terminer l'année en beauté, pourquoi ne pas venir découvrir ou redécouvrir la belle Chartreuse autour d'une verrée conviviale. La Chartreuse sera mise en situation de réception à cette occasion. Les salles seront installées et décorées. Certains de nos partenaires seront présents : traiteurs, cavistes, décoratrice, photographe, Illusionniste...  Les places sont limitées,  inscrivez-vous! Nous vous accueillerons avec plaisir  le samedi 25 novembre 2023 de 10h à 16h30.

An Historic


Some important dates in the history
of the Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Pomier



The Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Pomier was founded thanks to a donation by Guillaume, the 1st Count of Geneva and Vaud.
Some historians believe that a Priory, whose main room was almost certainly the cellars, may have already existed before the Chartreuse. Amongst other buildings, the Chartreuse de Pomier included within its walls: the Notre Dame de Pomier church, three chapels, the twelve Chartreux cells disposed around the grand cloister where the Chartreux were buried along with family members of the Counts of Geneva and Vaud.
Ninety one Priors succeeded at the head of the Chartreuse. During its existence, the Chartreuse welcomed a host of famous visitors such as Emperor Sigismond and Charles IV. The latter placed the monastery under the protection of the Holy Roman Empire, represented by a sealed bull in 1366



The Chartreuse was plundered during the Revolution; books and manuscripts from the richly endowed library were burnt in front of the small cloister. The Chartreuse was practically abandoned for almost one hundred years and many of its buildings were demolished. The bells of the Notre-Dame de Pomier Church were taken away to Carouge where one of them still rings out in the Sainte-Croix Church on the market square.



The Chartreuse was purchase from the Baron of Drée by Jérémie Girod of Beaumont who saved the main building from falling into ruins and converted it into a 40 room hotel and restaurant. The Hôtel Pension de l'Abbaye de Pomier, as it was called, continued to do business until the end of 1991.



Claude Girod, the great grandson of Jérémie Girod, inaugurated the Medieval Cellars and the Renaissance Lounges on the ground floor. The Chartreuse was renovated and transformed by Catherine Girod and Kevin Gaughran, keeping and restoring the original aspects of the Chartreuse whilst adding a touch of modernity.
The proprietor decided to drop the inappropriate name of Abbaye de Pomier, as it had been known as since the Renaissance, and restored the original name of ‘Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Pomier’. The Chartreuse de Pomier has since been classed as a heritage site due to its historical background and exceptional environmental qualities
The word ‘pomier’ is derived from the latin ‘pro murus’ which means: «outside the walls»
This is why the correct spelling is Chartreuse de Pomier. 
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La Chartreuse de Pomier, 27 Allée des Chartreux - Pomier, 74160 Présilly, France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 50 04 50 53