Pour terminer l'année en beauté, pourquoi ne pas venir découvrir ou redécouvrir la belle Chartreuse autour d'une verrée conviviale. La Chartreuse sera mise en situation de réception à cette occasion. Les salles seront installées et décorées. Certains de nos partenaires seront présents : traiteurs, cavistes, décoratrice, photographe, Illusionniste...  Les places sont limitées,  inscrivez-vous! Nous vous accueillerons avec plaisir  le samedi 25 novembre 2023 de 10h à 16h30.
HomeContactLocation and access

Access to the Chartreuse
20 minutes from Geneva and Annecy

Chartreuse de Pomier
27 Allée des Chartreux
F - 74160 Présilly
Telephone :
+33 (0)4 50 04 50 53
GPS coordinates :
North 46° 04' 53,97
South 06° 06' 21,02
See map
The Chartreuse de Pomier, located at the foot of Mount Salève, is 20 minutes from Geneva and Annecy. Three private car parks offer a capacity of 70 places.

Parking lot

Three private parking lot not guarded are put at the disposal of the renter.
Parking lot of the Chartreuse, 50 places
Outside before arriving on the left, bellow the enclosure of the Chartreuse.
For the big events we deeply recommend to take a parking valet (or member of the party) to optimise the implementation of the cars.
Parking lot of the big covent, 16 places 
In the enclosure of the Chartreuse.
This parking lot must be reserved for the organisers of the reception as well as for the disabled people or with reduced mobility.
Parking lot of the medieval cellars, 5 places
In the enclosure at the bottom of the Chartreuse.
This parking lot exclusively reserved for the disabled people or with reduced mobility for the access to the medieval cellars.

From Geneva

By motorway from the Bardonnex Customs.
Follow the green road signs for ANNECY (stay in the right hand lane) and leave the motorway at Exit 13. At the roundabout, follow the direction for ANNECY and CRUSEILLE. Drive past the MACUMBA nightclub and the VITAM PARK leisure centre and continue in the direction of LE CHABLE/BEAUMONT. Continue for 1km after the traffic lights in LE CHABLE until you reach the roundabout at the bottom of POMIER and take the road on the left to the Chartreuse.
From Veyrier, Collonges, Croix de Rozon, Landecy.
Follow directions to ANNECY, after COLLONGES pass under the railway bridge and follow the direction ANNECY, NEYDENS, LE CHABLE. Continue for 1km after the traffic lights in LE CHABLE until you reach the roundabout at the bottom of POMIER and take the road on the left to the Chartreuse.

From France

By motorway from Chamonix.
Follow the green road signs for ANNECY/ST. JULIEN and leave the motorway at Exit 13. At the roundabout, follow the direction for ANNECY and CRUSEILLE. Drive past the MACUMBA nightclub and the VITAM PARK leisure centre and continue in the direction of LE CHABLE/BEAUMONT. Continue for 1km after the traffic lights in LE CHABLE until you reach the roundabout at the bottom of POMIER and take the road on the left to the Chartreuse. Turn right at the roundabout situated 1km after the Mont-Sion pass.
From Annecy.
Follow D1201, old N 201 Annecy / Genève by Cruseilles, 1 km after the hill of Mont-Sion turn right at the roundabout.
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La Chartreuse de Pomier, 27 Allée des Chartreux - Pomier, 74160 Présilly, France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 50 04 50 53