Pour terminer l'année en beauté, pourquoi ne pas venir découvrir ou redécouvrir la belle Chartreuse autour d'une verrée conviviale. La Chartreuse sera mise en situation de réception à cette occasion. Les salles seront installées et décorées. Certains de nos partenaires seront présents : traiteurs, cavistes, décoratrice, photographe, Illusionniste...  Les places sont limitées,  inscrivez-vous! Nous vous accueillerons avec plaisir  le samedi 25 novembre 2023 de 10h à 16h30.
HomeChartreuseSurrounding Area

The Surrounding Areas
of the Chartreuse

The Pomier Forest

The Chartreuse stands against a large and beautiful forest which reaches the summits of the Salève Mountain. The forest is a domain which harbours a wide range of flora and fauna including a large number of protected species such as Snowdrops, Turk’s Cap Lily, Lady’s Slipper Orchid, along with animals such as deer and chamois.

The Chartreux Aisle

This remarkable aisle, lined with 300 year old oak and beech trees was surely where the Carthusian monks made their weekly promenade. Half way along the alley, you will see a statue of Saint-Jacques de Compostelle, the work of Jo Brand, a sculptor originating from Pomier.

The Petites Croix Pathway

This pathway leads to the summit of Mount Salève, then heads off to the left to join up with the Thuile Chalet and to the right with the Convers Chalet. It was the old pathway of the Croix des Chartreux (the Carthusian Monks’ Crosses). A small oratory, known as Saint-Bruno, is located twenty minutes away from the Chartreuse de Pomier.

The Convers Pathway

Like the Petites Croix pathway, this one also reaches the summit of Mount Salève passing by the Convers Chalet and the Pointe du Plan at an altitude of 1,347m. This pathway and the chalet take their name from the Convers brothers who took care of the surrounding prairies and forests.

The Revaclier Via Ferrata

A Via Ferrata has been set up by the Carouge section of the Swiss Alpine Club. It can be reached by taking a twenty minute walk along the Convers pathway. To tackle the Via Ferrata, participants must wear harnesses and decelerators and not be afraid of heights.

Vita Fitness Trail

The Vita Fitness Trail begins 200m after the start of the Petites Croix Path

Saint James’s Way

The Saint James’s Way pilgrimage trail goes through Pomier. The pilgrimage paths from southern Germany and Switzerland lead to Geneva where pilgrims met in the Middle Ages at the Auberge de Clémence at the Bourg du Four. From Geneva, the path continues through Compesières, Beaumont, Pomier, Charly, Frangy to reach Le Puy. Around 500 to 1000 pilgrims pass through Pomier every year. After Pomier, there is only a further 1,850km before they reach Santiago! In the Middle Ages, there were 4 large historical paths across France: Paris-Saint-Martin de Tours-Poitiers; Vézelay-Limoges-Rocamadour; Le Puy-Conques-Moissac; and Arles-Saint Guilhem le Désert-Saint-Sernin de Toulouse.
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La Chartreuse de Pomier, 27 Allée des Chartreux - Pomier, 74160 Présilly, France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 50 04 50 53